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ALBITE   Boulder field, N. Sugarloaf Mtn., Bethlehem, NH
1.5 mm field of view
Species:           ALBITE  
Locality:          Boulder field, N. Sugarloaf Mtn., Bethlehem, NH
Specimen Size: 1.5 mm field of view
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u2380
Notes: Collected from the large boulder pipe in the boulder field. Albite is common in the talus slope mairolitic cavities, but one has to search for an isolated crystal like this one.
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ALBITE var. Anorthoclase   Red Hill, Moultonborough, NH
3.3 cm specimen with white anorthoclase crystals embedded in a gray matrix
Species:           ALBITE var. Anorthoclase
Locality:         Red Hill, Moultonborough, NH
Specimen Size: 3.3 cm specimen with white anorthoclase crystals embedded in a gray matrix
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: 2139
Notes: I analyzed these white crystals looking for nepheline. The EDS analyses indicated a Na, K, Ca feldspar with Na > K. The APFU calculated from the analysis (BC262 - set 18) is:
(Na0.49, K0.37,Ca0.19)Al1.71Fe0.05Si3.0O4.6, normalized for 3 Si. Webmineral states anorthoclase is found in high temperature sodic volcanic rocks, which fits the Red Hill volcanic complex.
Webmineral gives an empirical composition for anorthoclase as: Na0.75 K0.25AlSi3.0O8. The Red Hill feldspar appears to have some Ca and Al substitution.
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ALBITE ?  Joppa Hill Locality, Amherst, NH
2.0 cm field of view
Species:           ALBITE ?
Locality:         Joppa Hill Locality, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 2.0 cm field of view.
Field Collected: Don Swenson
Catalog No.: A Don Swenson specimen
Notes: Don has this labeled as Albite. EDS planned.
White, angular, crystals in vug with grossular and epidote-clinozoisite (dark green).
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ALBITE  Charles Davis Mine, Groton, NH
1.7 mm albite crystal
Species:           ALBITE
Locality:         Charles Davis Mine, Groton, NH
Specimen Size: 1.7 mm albite crystal
Field Collected: Bob Wilken
Catalog No.: A Bob Wilken photo & specimen
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